Sunday, March 27, 2011

16 weeks

Only 2 weeks until I find out if I am having a boy or a girl! I am soo excited and hope that it doesn't take forever. Once I find out we can finally start shopping and painting and even start the registry!! I just can't wait!

So my ultrasound is scheduled with another clinic, Maternal and Fetal Medicine. Doctor's orders. I wasn't particularly excited and in agreement with the doc on this. According to my research and even hers, arthrogryposis is not genetic and the chances are very low for me to have a child with arthrogryposis. She insists that I see them though, just because they are able to do a consult and more thorough ultrasound. I said ok. It won't hurt for sure. I am just excited for the ultrasound.

My brother in law and his wife had their baby this week! She was a month early but she is healthy and doing great! She was able to go home yesterday. I am so happy and excited for them. She is beautiful. They chose to not find out the sex so it was a suprise that it was a girl!

So 16 weeks is great. I am feeling good and enjoying getting bigger. I still have a little sickness here and there but for the most part everything is great. So ready for 18 weeks when I find out!

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