Saturday, February 26, 2011

Meltdowns and Migraines

Hello everyone. So, I'm 12 weeks, and finally seeing the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel. Things are looking up, and I have been getting my energy back. The morning sickness has faded quite a bit. Now, if I could just get rid of these dern migraines.

Thursday night it started. It had been a very long and busy week, and it was ending with a night of tornado warnings. Not only did I have a migraine but I couldn't sleep because of the storms. I was up for work at 4:15am because I was tired of just laying in bed. I felt miserable. I made it to work only to find out I had left my entry badge in the building the day before. I had to wait for someone to get there and let me in. Not a great start. My migraine was working on me hard, and finally I had to just go home. I left a couple hours early and went home. I slept for about 4 hours, only to wake up and still have the migraine.

This may have triggered my meltdown. I have been pretty calm for the most part when I think about the baby and how I will be with him/her. Last night, everything seemed to hit me. I was asking my hubby for help cleaning something and then it just hit me. I am going to be a mom. Mom's are supposed to be able to do everything. That is what makes moms so very amazing. So I started bawling. The hubby was confused and I couldn't talk about it for a minute, but finally I opened up. My husband is so amazing. He helps me with so much. I told him how I was freaking out because there were things I may not be able to do and how I want to be wondermom and be able to do everything. I told him about how I am super nervous about being able to do everything for the baby. Well, he has a way of always making me feel better. He reminded me of the things that I can do, and how I have never ever quit at anything I have ever wanted to do. I really do have an amazing husband.

We have decided to get a fake baby and practice. I really didn't like this idea at first but I think it will help. I think it won't be easy, but I will find ways to do what I need for our baby. I am excited about the journey we have ahead of us.

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